Charcoal Class

charcoal class 001Saturday was the charcoal drawing workshop at Studio Place Arts in Barre taught by Gabriel Tempesta. Check out his website:  Beautiful work–so detailed–all drawn and painted with charcoal. I especially love the bumble bee series. We got to see them up close since they are in the SPA gallery. SWEET! It’s amazing that he can get such incredible detail with charcoal.

He demonstrated some of his techniques using charcoal powder (now there’s a mess waiting to happen!) and scratching into it with pointy things and spraying with water which creates magical effects. Quite fascinating. I’d like to experiment more with it but I usually work on my dining room table and I think it’s too messy a process for that room. I don’t want it to look like I’ve been mining coal in there. Maybe I’ll set up a table in the basement. But away from the ironing board and clean laundry…

There were many talented, experienced artists in that class which was humbling to say the least but in a good way. It’s a treat to watch people at work who are confident. Bold. People who are FEARLESS. I wanna get me some o’ THAT! My drawing was a bit pale and timid alongside theirs but once I got it home, it stopped slouching and stood proud so I thought, Yeah, I could post that.

Red Thready Lamp

scan0094Never mind those little plug-in night lights. THIS is a NIGHT LIGHT. It’s about ten inches tall and has a beautiful red glow (much prettier than this picture) which illuminates the guest room just enough for you to find a light. And I think it’s such a warm welcome. A little spot of glow in a dark room. So cozy. I’ve found most of mine at thrift stores–which surprises me–why are people getting rid of these? Oh right, different people, different decor styles. Well, it’s my gain. But seriously, we are going to need more electrical outlets…I’ll have to see my guy about that. Right, Honey?

Medallion Necklace

scan0092This gorgeous piece was handmade by Susan Torchia. I think I’ve mentioned taking a jewelry class she taught. She makes jewelry from an array of found objects: old vintage jewelry bits and pieces, wire, glass and wooden beads, sometimes leather, driftwood, feathers, yarn, various metals, etc. They are all so original and wonderful. This one is a big piece of shell about 3 inches wide which she covered with some silk or rayon fabric. Then the vintage metal daisy brooch with rhinestones and pearls, copper wire, and a curvy bit of copper mesh. Oh and the back is covered with a piece of soft brown suede from her “grammy’s” stash.  I would call this a “statement” necklace. This and a veiled hat and you are set to go!

Beaded Palm Lamp

scan0090At a friend’s suggestion, I’m back to drawing my lamps. There are SO MANY. My kids make fun of me and “the lamp thing.” For example there are NINE in my living room right now. Eleven if you count the two little decorative type with 5 watt bulbs. And it’s a small room. But the thing is, sometimes you want a good reading light and sometimes just a soft amber glow. Right? Doesn’t everyone want those choices? I do. I don’t like bright, harsh lights. Ambient lighting is so soothing and restful. Seriously, it will improve your quality of life. You will love being in your cozy living room. And it will love you.

Green Veil

scan0078That camel necklace was fun to paint so I’m excited to draw more jewelry but I don’t have time right now. Busy weeks. If I were organized, and made schedules, and had extensive lists like someone I’m married to, I could probably fit that in. But I’m not. It is a future possibility though; I could change. It could happen. Anyway, here is another in the veiled hat series from about 2 weeks ago. Let’s call her Lori Jean.