Citron Sugar Bowl

scan0096Well, I’ve been busy making failed watercolors, that’s what. But not busy enough apparently. I’m out of practice and out of my GROOVE. I need to do a boatload of quick sketches, you know, speedy and reckless. I love that word–reckless! “Loosey-juicy” is a phrase that Robert Burridge uses for quick paintings. He advocates working on a series of at least three to six small paintings at a time as a warm-up. (see his art: Of course that’s easier if you have a large space to be messy in. But still the point is then you feel free to mess up since you aren’t just invested in one precious piece you don’t want to ruin. So maybe at least two works at once or three depending on space. Guess I had forgotten that. Yeah, I forget a lot of stuff. But no need to dwell on that. Now, let me see if I can go salvage last week’s ONE, precious, failed effort. See what I mean?

Lucky Troll Doll

rainbows and troll 017Remember trolls? If you are suitably mature you do. Funny/quirky little dolls that were introduced in the 60s. I was about 8 when I got this one– my first and all time favorite one. The gray hair tipped in brown is what makes it unique. Sam thinks they are creepy. But oh come on, not any more so than garden gnomes. That smile and those rosy cheeks…she looks so earnest and sincere. I can’t recall what kind of clothing she wore–it unfortunately didn’t survive with her. I read that these were the second best selling dolls in the 60s, Barbie dolls being the top sellers. Some mornings I feel trollish. But there are worse things. Unless you are a barbie.

Poe Crow

black crow“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary….”

Meant to post this Thursday since it’s suitably macabre but completely forgot. Too busy lately.

This guy was done quickly with a black crayon on a brown card. I made a B/W photocopy before sending it. Sometimes these quick, loose sketches succeed! And am I ever happier than when that happens? “NEVERMORE.”