Little Queemer

scan0147This little queen creamer is one of the more interesting ones I have from my Aunt Madeline’s collection. Says Japan on the bottom. Looks like an Alice in Wonderland character, right? Though I’ve never actually read that book.

The question is where have I been all these weeks? Certainly not in artist mode, which bothers me no end, but I’ve been busy fretting about my house which overwhelms me. Well, you can imagine. Fretting about trying to get it in shape for family guests due to the upcoming wedding. Yes, now you see the problem. All this stuff. Yikes. I think I need a professional organizer. Or a dumpster. Ok, I’m going to go fill a box or two for the ReStore right now.

Pale Silk Dress

dressI came across a lovely phrase, “sky like a pale silk dress,” in a poem called Happiness by Barbara Crooker. It reminded me of this colored pencil drawing of a party dress. Just wanted to share some-thing pretty after having that scowling carved head posted for so long. Spring is finally showing her soft, green face so we can look forward to porches with incense and wind chimes,  and flower gardens with hummingbirds. And my son’s wedding this summer…sweet!