Carved Tribal Dude

scan0142Here’s THIS guy. I wanted to draw something less painstakingly detailed, and in a loosey-goosey style for a change. This was a quick sketch in marker on card stock printer paper. Then I made a copy to work on with watercolors, because the printer ink isn’t waterproof and I wanted it to be a bit runny. When I was done I printed a copy on the tinted Canson paper just to see how that would look, and I like it (see below). But I thought I’d go with the white background since I’ve been using that tinted paper a lot lately. This wood carving is 12 inches tall and heavy. Most likely he’s African. Or possibly Caribbean.

To change the subject for a sec’ — last month, March 9th to be exact, was the one-year anniversary of my first blog post! I only thought of it about a week or two ago and looked it up. I think this will be my 73rd post. That went fast. It’s been such a lot of fun. Thanks for being along for the ride. Here is the image on the tinted paper.


Vintage Greek Doll

scan0140Well, I know this isn’t the Arabian harem doll I promised, but the thing is, when I dug out the boxes of dolls from the attic, the harem doll I found wasn’t the one I remembered. Turns out my memory is a sly, slippery thing. I believe I was remembering the lovely face of this Greek doll and the blue satin harem pants of the other. And so I created a new doll in my mind which does not exist. Unless there are more dolls still to be found in my attic, which is entirely plausible given the state of the attic. Anyway, the harem doll is kind of weird in that it looks like a generic baby doll which they painted eye makeup on and dressed in a harem costume. I’m not inspired to draw it. This Greek doll, on the other hand, is very womanly and so interesting. I just love her face. And all that rick-rack trim! All those knife pleats! The pom-pom boots! So much detail. I used colored pencils but I’m not wild about the grainy texture–the skirt doesn’t look as intensely black as it really is. Maybe I’ll try it again in a different medium. In a few years.